個人.家庭.數位化 - 數位之牆

產業動態 好萊塢電影的最愛-Avid Media Composer 5閃亮登場
龍眾新媒體股份有限公司 本新聞稿發佈於2010/04/20,由發布之企業承擔內容之立場與責任,與本站無關


■ 發布/輪播新聞稿 新聞稿直達14萬電子報訂戶刊登新聞稿:按此
只有AVID非線性剪輯後製系統 可以讓您擁有最完美的說故事技巧。一群有理念的剪輯師、導演、混音錄音師、編曲家,加上最讓人信任的Avid解決方案。

2010年AVID推出最近版的Avid Media Composer 5, 全新功能, 引領市場~~
Media Composer 5閃亮登場,

新功能介紹, 先睹為快~~~

•RED(數位電影攝影機) 檔案直接經由AMA匯入, 毋須轉碼(影像會縮放成HD格式)
Directly access and edit RED files through AMA, without transcoding (images are scaled to HD frame size).

•使用QuickTime 原生格式作業, 包括了Apple的ProRes 和 H.264
Work natively with QuickTime video formats, including Apple ProRes and H.264

Edit video and audio by dragging and dropping elements in the timeline

•保留已完成專案內部的高品質及更進階的HD-RGB色彩精確度(Nitris DX提供援雙連接I/O)
Keep high-end finishing projects in-house and gain great color precision with HD-RGB support (including dual-link I/O support with Nitris DX systems)

•透過Matrox MXO2 Mini 設備,提供外部監視器即時監看功能
Monitor video externally with support for the Matrox MXO2 Mini

•同一時間軸上支援不同的影片格式, 影格速率及解析度進行混合剪輯
Mix and match frame sizes and aspect ratios — in addition to formats, frame rates, and resolutions — in the same timeline

•長時間算圖完成後, 系統自動發送email通知,
Take a break during long renders and have your system email you when the job’s done

Import AVCHD files directly from cameras and other devices

•經由baseband傳輸技術, XDCAM HD 及 DVC PRO HD 的影片格式可直接直接擷取及編輯, 不須額外的硬體設備
formats Capture to and edit XDCAM HD and DVC PRO HD formats from baseband without additional hardware

•提供低影像解析度但高品質音訊的XDCAM 檔案進行離線剪輯
Access low-res XDCAM proxies for offline work, with full-quality audio

•使用Nitris DX 或 Mojo DX裝置時,可匯入純文字的輔助數據,其包含了影像信號中的“Data Track”及SMPTE 436M
Import text-based ancillary data and embed it in the video signal with the new “Data Track” and SMPTE 436M support using Nitris DX- and Mojo DX-based systems

•立體聲軌以單聲道音軌方式呈現, 操作上更簡便
View stereo audio tracks as single channels in the timeline for easier handling

Create high-quality sounds and mixes with support for RTAS audio processing plug-ins

•AMA支援Canon攝影機之4:2:2 MPEG-2原生碼
Natively access and edit 4:2:2 MPEG-2 media from the new Canon cameras using AMA

- 新聞稿有效日期,至2010/05/21為止

聯絡人 :Peggy YU

下一篇:HTC EVO現身 美國WiMAX存亡關鍵



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個人.家庭.數位化 - 數位之牆

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