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產業動態 nCipher 推出全球首款支援PCI-Express介面的HSM產品
玉山科技 本新聞稿發佈於2007/03/13,由發布之企業承擔內容之立場與責任,與本站無關

HSM(Hardware Security Module,硬體安全模組, 或稱硬體加密器或亂碼化設備)是資料加密與金鑰保護不可或缺的資訊安全設備. 典型的HSM是一張PCI卡, 插到電腦的PCI槽裡, 供電腦的應用系統做加解密運算與金鑰保護.

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nCipher 推出全球首款支援PCI-Express介面的HSM產品

HSM(Hardware Security Module,硬體安全模組, 或稱硬體加密器或亂碼化設備)是資料加密與金鑰保護不可或缺的資訊安全設備. 典型的HSM是一張PCI卡, 插到電腦的PCI槽裡, 供電腦的應用系統做加解密運算與金鑰保護.

隨著伺服器要處裡的資料越來越多, 許多大廠的伺服器(Server)已將PCI-Express介面列為標準以增強資料傳輸效能. 並將逐步捨去老舊的PCI插槽. nCipher是全球第一家配合伺服器技術升級, 生產可支援PCI_Express介面的HSM廠商, 也是獲得FIPS 140-2 認證最多的HSM廠商.

nCipher的HSM 包括:

 nShield系列產品, 可支援PCI, PCI-X, PCI Express等不同介面的需求, 運算效能高達每秒4000次RSA 1024 bit簽章交易.
 netHSM系列產品, 是一標準1U的網路型設備, 可支援無限多台伺服器的加解密運算與金鑰保護.
 MiniHSM, 是全球首款嵌入式的HSM (Embedded HSM).

詳細資訊請參考: http://www.asiapeak.com

The use of hardware security devices is a firmly established best practice for protecting cryptographic keys, with HSMs overcoming many of the inherent security weaknesses of running business software on general purpose servers. However, as servers and PCs become faster and smaller the internal interfaces that support plug-in components such as HSMs are periodically redefined: as a result, server platforms equipped with the most recent PCIe interface are now becoming increasingly common. By supporting PCIe within its HSM portfolio nCipher allows enterprises to extend hardware-based cryptographic protection to these next generation platforms.

“As the leading provider of HSMs we pride ourselves on delivering to our customers not only the best solutions to overcome the problems associated with software security, but also provide the assurance that our products integrate and are fully compatible with the latest in server technology,” says Mark Knight, product manager at nCipher. “Customers expect nCipher to be at the leading edge of cryptographic security and our support of PCIe is another example of nCipher meeting those needs.”

- 新聞稿有效日期,至2007/04/09為止

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